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Goal examples

Writer: Dr. Monica J. JonesDr. Monica J. Jones


When making goals for pediatric and adult patients, collaboration is key! Important goal areas and language can be gained from administration of the COPM or COSA and interview with the patient and caregiver (dependent on patient age and cognitive ability). Here are some examples of goals I often use to get you started!


Long term goals:

  • Pt will demonstrate an average of at least a 2 point improvement overall for Performance and Satisfaction on the COPM, indicating clinically important improvement with independence and success in occupational performance in 6 months.

  • Pt will demonstrate independence and success in occupations as evidenced by their ability to complete daily roles and routines without complaint on 4/5 trials.

  • Pt will demonstrate at least a 2 point improvement in score on the FOSQ-10, demonstrating clinically significant improvement in sleep hygiene in 6 months.

  • Pt will develop and maintain health and wellness goals (daily exercise, balanced diet, self-regulation) independently on 4/5 trials in 6 months.

  • Pt will identify and use coping strategies across environments to improve functional performance independently on 4/5 trials in 6 months.

Short term goals:

  • Pt will participate in a sleep hygiene routine independently on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will use at least one coping strategy across environments to calm self when overwhelmed with min A on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will complete morning/evening self-care routine independently without complaint on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will complete community management tasks independently without complaint on 4/5 trials.

  • Pt will complete home management tasks independently without complaint on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will make a complex hot meal 1x/day independently on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will add at least 3 vegetables to their diet in 3 months.

  • Pt will acquire paid work/participate in volunteer work with min A in 3 months.

  • Pt will create a resume and apply for at least 1 job with min A in 3 months.

  • Pt will participate in a social event/gathering with peers 1x/week without complaint on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will demonstrate appropriate social skills (eye contact, reciprocity) with min A on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will initiate social interactions with peers independently on 4/5 trials.

  • Pt will participate in at least one active recreation pursuit weekly independently on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will participate in active leisure/recreation for 30 min 3x/week independently on 4/5 trials without complaint in 3 months.

  • Pt will add at least one quiet leisure/recreation activity to participate in at least 3x/week independently on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will create a time management strategy to improve productivity with min A on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will participate in a weekly home program (action plan) to support clinic goals with at least 80% compliance independently on 4/5 trials in 3 months.

  • Pt will develop a home maintenance program to improve independence with self-regulation skills with min A in 3 months.

  • Pt will identify and use at least one executive functioning strategy across environments to improve productivity independently on 4/5 trials in 3 months.


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